작성일 : 20-04-04 21:08
사랑의 손길 Touch of Love
 글쓴이 : 웹썸
조회 : 974  

사랑의 손길
-Touch of Love

1.나를 위해 오신 주님 나의 죄를 위하여서
-You came for me for my sins oh King of King and Lord of all

유대민족 들에게 잡히시던 그날밤에
-It was that night of arrest and persecution from the Jews

아무런 말도 없이 우리에게 사랑을
-Without a word or resist he showed us all the abundant love

보여주신 주님예수 십자가를 지셨네
-Jesus Christ upheld the cross to fulfill the Holy will

그러나 언젠가 주님을
-It was when we neglect it was when

부인하며 원망하고 있을때에
-We rejected the Lord of all

나에게 오셔서
-He came to me

사랑의 손길로 어루만지셨네
-With the touch of love and filled me with his presence

거절할 수 없어 외면할 수 없어
-I could not reject I could not neglect

주님의 그 손을 잡았었네
-Held by his hand his love protected all

주님의 사랑에 뜨거운 눈물을
-By his willing love I can only cry

흘리고야 말았다네
-the tears of grace given to us

2.이세상에 오신 주님 나의 죄를 위하여서
-The Lord of all came to the grounds to pay the debt of my sins

로마병정 창과 칼에 찔리시던 그날 오후
-the afternoon Lord Jesus Christ midst of all spears of the Romans

아무런 말도 없이 우리에게 평안을
-Without a word he endured all he assured peace of heart and soul

약속하신 주님예수 십자가에 못박혔네
-As he was nailed up on that cross he had fulfilled the Holy will

그러나 언젠가 주님을
-It was when we neglect it was when

부인하며 원망하고 있을때에
-We rejected the Lord of all

나에게 오셔서
-He came to me

사랑의 손길로 어루만지셨네
-With the touch of love and filled me with his presence

거절할 수 없어 외면할 수 없어
-I could not reject I could not neglect

주님의 그 손을 잡았었네
-Held by his hand his love protected all

주님의 사랑에 뜨거운 눈물을
-By his willing love I can only cry

흘리고야 말았다네
-the tears of grace given to us


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