작성일 : 20-05-17 01:37
[주일예배] 5월24일 주일오전예배재개
 글쓴이 : 웹썸
조회 : 804  
우리 모두 마음을 모아 하나님안에서 코로나19를 지혜롭게 이겨나갑시다.

3월22일 주일부터
 *현장예배를 드릴 수없게되었다가
 *지난주일 중직자회의를 통하여

5월24일 주일부터
 *오전예배(11시)만 드리기로 하였습니다.
 *셀모임,식사교제,호산나찬양대모임,주일학교는 모임은 없습니다.
 *교회는 매주일 예배후에 방역합니다.
  (1)주일날 교회오시면 열감지 체온계로 체온측정후
  (2)손세정후 입장하여
  (3)스티커가 부착된 자리에 앉아 마스크를 쓰고,
  (4)가급적 많은 대화를 하지않고 예배드리기로 했습니다.

7월26일 주일부터
 *오클라호마주지사의 마스크착용 공시화하였습니다.
 *타주에 방문하신 성도님들께서는 2주간 자가격리후 예배에 참여할 수 있습니다.
  많은 불편이 있으나 지침이오니 지켜주시면 되겠습니다. 
  예배전 찬양인도와 대표기도는 6월달로 미루었습니다.

 *헌금은 교회홈페지에 있는 온라인헌금과 주일날 교회에서는 헌금통에 넣는 것으로 하며,
 *성경책은 교회비취용으로 사용하지않고 자기 개인소지용으로 보기로 합니다. 
 *셀모임과 기타모임들은 온라인을 이용하여주시기바라며
 *기저질환자와 70세이상 성도님들과 어린아이들은
  아직까지 가정에서 예배드리기로 하였음을 알려드립니다.


1. Welcome and bless you who participated in Sunday online life service in the name of the Lord
2. I hope that God's help, protection, and strengthening will always be with you in the field of your soul, family, business, and life.
3. Today is the third week of May. Lat week, we made the church's three-step guide to the Coronavirus. The church decided to resume the Sunday morning on-site worship service from May 24th. The church was not able to worship on-site from Sunday, March 22, 2020. But we were able to worship on-site May 1 in accordance with the Oklahoma Government's policy. The Korean and American churches are resuming on-site worship. Our church also will resume on-site church worship.

 << Church's three-step guide to Coronavirus >>
1. On-site worship will start from next week. But we will only offer morning worship.
2. The church's quarantine will be carried out by the men’s missionary group after the service every week.
3. There will be no meeting for the cell groups, church choir, and Sunday School.

<< Precautions for Sunday Worship Service>>
1. Before entering the church, your body temperature will be measured with a thermo-sensing thermometer. Make sure that clean your hands with hand sanitizer.
2. Please sit on a bench with stickers.
3. Please wear a mask during the worship service.
4. Do not greet with physical contact such as handshakes.
5. Communicate as less as possible during the worship service and leave the church right after the service.
6. Follow the precautions in daily life.

<< Precautions for Sunday worship service >>
1. Representative prayers and praising leaders should only use the designated microphone (from the first week of June)
2. When offering, use the offering box
3. Cell meetings, prayer meetings, and other meetings should be conducted online (Meet, Zoom, KakaoTalk)
4. Use the church’s website for online offerings
5. Use personal Bible only
6. People with underlying medical conditions, the elderly over 70 years old and children should worship at home

<< Meetings >>
Church leaders meetings, cell group leaders and vice-cell group leaders meetings and discipleship meetings should be conducted through video conference. On-site meetings for church laity leaders and special occasions will be held carefully under the instructions of the pastor.


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