-University of Oklahoma(OU) in Norman

The University of Oklahoma is a coeducational public research university located in Norman, Oklahoma. Founded in 1890, it had existed in Oklahoma Territory near Indian Territory for 17 years before the two became the state of Oklahoma. As of 2007 the university had 29,931 students enrolled, most located at its main campus in Norman. Employing nearly 3,000 faculty members, the school offers 152 baccalaureate programs, 160 master's programs, 75 doctorate programs, and 20 majors at the first professional level. David Lyle Boren, a former U.S. Senator and Oklahoma Governor, has served as President of the University of Oklahoma since 1994.

주소: 660 Parrington Oval, Norman, OK 73019 · Directions
21,982 (2014)
수업료: 국내 $7,341 USD/국외 $19,530 USD (2014)
마스코트: University of Oklahoma Boomer and Sooner


-Oklahoma State University(OSU) in Stillwater

Oklahoma State University–Stillwater is a land-grant, sun-grant, coeducational public research university located in Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA. OSU was founded in 1890 under the Morrill Act. Originally known as Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, it is the flagship institution of the Oklahoma State University System. Official enrollment for the fall 2010 semester system-wide was 35,073, with 23,459 students enrolled at OSU-Stillwater. Enrollment shows the Freshman class of 2012 was the largest on record with 4,298 students. OSU is classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a research university with high research activity.

주소: 101 Whitehurst Hall, Stillwater, OK 74078 · Directions
대학생: 20,323 (2012)
수업료: 국내 $7,442 USD/국외 $19,457 USD (2012)
마스코트: Pistol Pete