작성일 : 20-05-17 00:57
어머님 은혜a mother’s grace
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어머님 은혜a mother’s grace
1.높고 높은 하늘이라 말들 하지만how high and mighty is the sky beyond the reach of our hands
나는 나는 높은 게 또 하나 있지there is something greater than it greater than the sky
낳으시고 기르시는 어머님 은혜bore and raised us all with love is a mother’s grace
푸른 하늘 그 보다도 높은 것 같아that is far more greater than all the sky above
2.넓고 넓은 바다라고 말들 하지만how deep and wide is the sea beyond the reach of our hands
나는 나는 넓은 게 또하나 있지there is something greater than it greater than the sea
사람 되라 이르시는 어머님 은혜grow up to be kind she says is the mother’s grace
푸른 바다 그보다도 넓은 것 같아that is far more greater than all the sea below
3.산이라도 바다라도 따를 수 없는tallest mountains and deepest seas cannot compare to thee
어머님의 큰 사랑 거룩한 사랑the love of a mother great in amount oh how precious it is
날 마다 주님 앞에 감사드리자show the Lord thankfulness day and days to come
사랑의 어머님을 주신 은혜를he has shown his abundant grace gift us a mother of love
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