작성일 : 20-06-21 01:06
6/21 Cell Sharing(*english sermon text)
 글쓴이 : 웹썸
조회 : 1,055  

1 Thess 2:17-20 Paul's Happiness


1. A 70-year-old man who had been discharged from COVID-19 for two months got a bill for the treatment. The cost of using the intensive care room was $9,736 per day, the cost of using the aseptic room was $409,000, and the cost of the respirator was $82,000. The total was $1,222,501.
Fortunately, the person was eligible for Medicare, so he did not have to pay.

He was grateful to be healed, but said he felt guilty that the taxpayers had to pay the bill.

We believed in Jesus and were saved from the dead, but Jesus did not send us a bill. He came to the earth from the throne of heaven for us but did not send us a bill. He guided our lives but did not send us a bill.
He forgiven my sins and washed them clean, but he did not send me a bill at all.

3. According to Jack Canfield's ‘101 Ways to Open Your Mind‘, the son came to his mother preparing dinner and gave her a note. “5 dollars for lawn mowing, 1 dollar for doing errands, 50 cents for babysitting my brother, 1 dollar for taking out the garbage, 5 dollars for doing homeworks, 2 dollars for sweeping the yard, the total is 14 dollars and 75 cents. Please pay me!”

ㅡThe mother wrote on the back of her son's bill: The price I had you in my womb for 10 months –Free. The price I spent nursing at night when you were sick –Free. The price I struggled with because of you –Free. The price I worried about you –Free. The price I gave you toys, food, clothes, and even the cost of wiping your runny nose –Free. The price of my true love for you-Free.

After reading this, the son burst into tears, saying “Mom, I love you!” And then, he wrote “Everything is paid” on the note.

4. Happiness cannot be counted in money. The love of the cross that Jesus loved us cannot be rewarded with money.

The apostle Paul went to Thessalonica to preach this gospel and people believed it.

1 Thess 2:11 says, “Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.”

The apostle Paul preached the gospel in the heart of the father, just as Jesus did for us.

5. Today, I would like to think about the apostle Paul's happiness toward Thessalonica Church.


First. Happiness is a desire to see again.

1 Thess 2:17 says, “But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face.”


1. Why did the Apostle Paul leave Thessalonica? It is because of the persecution. He stayed in Thessalonica for three weeks on the second evangelism trip, preaching the word of God, and then Jason accepted the gospel that Jesus Christ died for him and was resurrected. As they preached the Gospel, jealous Jews filed a lawsuit against them, saying that the family of Jason helped Roman rebels such as Paul and Silas.

- Paul and Silas escaped, but the family of Jason was put in prison and released after paying a huge amount of bail.

—Jason and his brothers helped Paul and Silas to escape Thessalonica. After that, Paul was unable to return to Thessalonica because he was worried that Jason and true Christians would be harmed.

2. The saying goes, "If you are far from your eyes, you are far from your mind." If you can't see it, you'll soon be forgotten. Out of sight, out of mind! This proverb appears in the Odyssey by the Greek poet Homeros around the 8th century B.C. In the United States, this proverb has been around since the 1200s. It became more popular thanks to the work of the English poet Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-1861), Songs in Absence (1853). "She thought she'd miss her boyfriend when he went away, but it was out of sight, out of mind."

The Apostle Paul never forgot Thessalonica after he left there. The wind easily extinguishes a candle, but it makes a big fire burn. The passion in Paul's heart was not a candle, but a big fire. Because it was a gospel relationship.

3. A happy church makes brothers and sisters want to see each other again. A happy person wants to see them again. A happy family wants to see them again. If you don't go to church because of the coronavirus, you will not be able to live in the gospel properly.
The passion to meet in the Gospel should be a big fire, not a candle.

Deaconess Hong Sung-yeol always says to me, “If you say “Let’s go!”, I will be ready to go.” Whenever I hear that, I get energized.

Satan hinders happiness.

1 Thess 2:18 says, “Because we wanted to come to you—I, Paul, again and again—but Satan hindered us.”

The Apostle Paul said that the reason he could not go to Thessalonica was because of Satan. “Satan hindered us” means “Satan came in and intervened”.

-2 Corinthians 12:7 says, “So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.”

It was that God gave Satan's messengers so that he would not be too conceited. He prayed three times to get rid of the disease. At that time, the Lord said, "Your grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect from weakness." Hearing the voice, Paul was greatly pleased with the thorns stabbing himself every day, the messenger of Satan. He rejoiced in weak things, humiliation, persecution, and trouble. Paul confessed that it was the strongest time to know how lacking and how weak he was for Christ. It was because Christ was with him then.

2. This does not mean that Satan is a teacher and is left alone or acknowledged. Even if this thorny Satan's messenger abuses me, I will keep my faith in Christ and never let go of the Lord until the day I go to heaven. Satan follows the door to heaven and attacks us, so we have to be alert and trust the Lord.

3. Satan intervenes between God and Adam. When it cannot seduce Adam directly, Satan deceives Eve. The deceived Eve overturns Adam and breaks Eden's happiness. The woman is not crafty. The serpent is not crafty. The scheme of Satan is crafty. So, we must become spiritual victories over Satan's scheme of separating God from us.

Satan deceived the fearful Abraham and Isaac. Satan deceived David who was relieved for a moment. Satan deceived the greedy and proud Saul, Nabal, Ahab, Ananias, Sapphira, and Dema.
Satan makes us easily compromise with sin.

In order to prevent Satan from interfering with the happiness of our church, we need to hold on to the Lord's hand.

Third. Paul's happiness was that the believers lived with faith.
1 Thess 2:19~20 says, “For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.”

1. Thessalonians really believed in God faithfully. Paul thanked God for this every time he prayed.

1 Thess 1:2~3 says, “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Thess 2:13 says, ”And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe.”

The Apostle Paul was happy with the congregations who would be saved on the day of the Lord's coming, and the Thessalonians were grateful whenever they thought of Paul. They were believers who were gentlemanly believers.

2. A 19-year-old young man attended a revival assembly. After the sermon, the pastor said, "Whoever will believe in Jesus should come forward." Then this 19-year-old man went forward to receive God’s grace. From that day on, he believed in God. Then he became a pastor to dedicate his life to God. He was Billy Graham. He preached the gospel to tens of millions of people over 50 years. It was Pastor Modakai Ham who prayed for him. He never thought that Pastor Graham would be a man who would save tens of millions of people around the world. How happy Pastor Modakai Ham was! The apostle Paul must have been happy about the way Jason and his brothers preached the gospel in Thessalonica.

3. In Matt. 24:40-46, Jesus prophesied the end times.  “Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken and one left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one left. Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.”

Dear brothers ans sisters!

According to Luke 16, the rich man was briefly happy on this earth, but forever unhappy on that earth. Beggar Lazarus was briefly unhappy on this earth, but was happy forever in Heaven.




Today, I have talked about Paul's happiness.

1) Paul was happy because he wanted to see faithful believers again. I hope our church members are happy because they want to see you again.

2) Satan always likes to intervene and interfere between God and us. We must live without letting go of the Lord until the end. We must live without letting go of the Word. Only then will Satan run away.

3) Paul was happy when he saw brothers and sisters who sincerely believe in Jesus. On the last day, we will enter the kingdom of Heaven with the Lord.



Thank you God for making our hearts happy. The world is gradually losing light with the coronavirus, but the light of happiness has been given to the hearts of the members of the Oklahoma Central Presbyterian Church. Help us not to be afraid, even if Satan's schemes make us hard, and let us experience new powers in Jesus!
On the day Jesus comes, help us to be well-dressed as brides to meet him and to enter into Heaven with him! We pray in the name of our Savior Jesus. Amen!
Cell group meeting 셀모임
1.한주간 행복했던 순간들이 있다면 얘기 나눠보세요?
If there were moments that you were happy for a week, share them with others.

2.우리가 하나님께로부터 무료로 받은 것들은 무엇 무엇이 있습니까?
What have we received for free from God?

3.자꾸 만나보고 싶은 사람이 되려면 어떻게 하면 될까요?
How can I become the person who wants to meet people again and again?

4.사단이 우리의 행복을 깨뜨리지 못하게 하려면 어떻게 해야 할까요?
What can we do to prevent Satan from breaking our happiness?

5.영원한 행복을 얻으려면 어떤 데살로니가교회의 무엇을 본받아야 할까요?
What should we follow from Thessalonica church in order to gain eternal happiness?


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